> Hey list, having used Fabric Engine intensively for the last few years I
> thought it would be nice to share a few words about what it was and the
> void it leaves as it is no longer developed.
> Here is the link for that post: 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__gustavoeb.com.br_whatwasfabric&d=DwIFaQ&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=6LhmFlwq547LVg10Y89qxXjc88j_MQQWenTQnZKbE9E&s=JA0daiRMHYIBxlHk8h59hEO0h6uQGEcJIsfy8dEEIoQ&e=
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__gustavoeb.com.br_whatwasfabric&d=DwMFaQ&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=8vfFVN7WW3wJXUesMte3sebPE52q1bEjTyaCqzlI6k0&s=fSCXc6xiM5wmSc4Gv2-dSKhGMiLKLxo1r2mbLW-Sbs0&e=>

Look forward to reading this. I've followed what you've been up to ref
neural networks and suchlike.

I still make use of Motion Tools on a regular basis as they make perfect
bedfellows to Eric M's wonderful suit of delights. Really hope Eric isn't
out in the cold for too long. A man with Eric's talents should have his
pick of roles in an ideal and fair world.

On 10 November 2017 at 18:41, Gustavo Eggert Boehs <gustav...@gmail.com>

> Hey list, having used Fabric Engine intensively for the last few years I
> thought it would be nice to share a few words about what it was and the
> void it leaves as it is no longer developed.
> Here is the link for that post: 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__gustavoeb.com.br_whatwasfabric&d=DwIFaQ&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=6LhmFlwq547LVg10Y89qxXjc88j_MQQWenTQnZKbE9E&s=JA0daiRMHYIBxlHk8h59hEO0h6uQGEcJIsfy8dEEIoQ&e=
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__gustavoeb.com.br_whatwasfabric&d=DwMFaQ&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=8vfFVN7WW3wJXUesMte3sebPE52q1bEjTyaCqzlI6k0&s=fSCXc6xiM5wmSc4Gv2-dSKhGMiLKLxo1r2mbLW-Sbs0&e=>
> Cheers,
> Gustavo E Boehs
> Dpto. de Expressão Gráfica | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina |
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.gustavoeb.com.br_&d=DwIFaQ&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=6LhmFlwq547LVg10Y89qxXjc88j_MQQWenTQnZKbE9E&s=FPYVvNHO53XFql1UzbnpWN2UzGPCsms5JZcLVGVXUpk&e=
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.gustavoeb.com.br_&d=DwMFaQ&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=8vfFVN7WW3wJXUesMte3sebPE52q1bEjTyaCqzlI6k0&s=jbOPhbqmV3ZCDUP5f8d_wLKimvJjLNOcX59U9koOapc&e=>
> 2017-11-07 12:14 GMT-02:00 Enter Reality <3dv...@gmail.com>:
>> Just received the email, Lagoa is also gone
>> 2017-11-02 22:53 GMT+01:00 Andreas Bystrom <andreas.byst...@gmail.com>:
>>> "What's funny is, I interviewed with Weta and Dneg recently and they
>>> both asked me a lot about fabricengine (it occupied the majority of the
>>> interviews) and expressed their intentions to leverage it more.
>>> When this was announced, we had a meeting at Dneg.  It was like, "Crap,
>>> well, there goes a few years of invested time for our new system built
>>> around fabricEngine"
>>> Weta mentioned that they were tossing their in-house node based system
>>> they'd spent several years developing in favour of fabric."
>>> do you really think you should be posting something that was discussed
>>> during a private interview at these companies on a public forum like this?
>>> On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 10:34 AM, Michael Amasio <
>>> michael.ama...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> What's funny is, I interviewed with Weta and Dneg recently and they
>>>> both asked me a lot about fabricengine (it occupied the majority of the
>>>> interviews) and expressed their intentions to leverage it more.
>>>> When this was announced, we had a meeting at Dneg.  It was like, "Crap,
>>>> well, there goes a few years of invested time for our new system built
>>>> around fabricEngine"
>>>> Weta mentioned that they were tossing their in-house node based system
>>>> they'd spent several years developing in favour of fabric.
>>>> Really sad to see it go.  It looks like it needed just a few more years
>>>> to find it's footing.  I hope someone buys it and hires a few of the
>>>> developers to continue its progress.
>>>> Crap is anyone at Weta right now?  Are they buying it? Go rumors!!!
>>>> I feel like the core team of Fabric was like "Here's what you want, you
>>>> just don't know it yet" and even though it was an uphill slog through the
>>>> mire, companies were just starting to be like, "Yeah, that is what we 
>>>> want".
>>>> If anything, I've seen real progress at a few places to start replacing
>>>> DCC's with standalone python inputs.
>>>> GUI's that gather the core information for things like rigging and CFX
>>>> in generic containers and then pass it to the DCC for actual execution.
>>>> I've really enjoyed writing some stuff using USD and passing information
>>>> between Unreal and Clarisse and Maya.
>>>> Unreal isn't going anywhere and a lot of work I'm doing could
>>>> potentially leave the heavy lifting deformers for a product like Ziva.
>>>> I'm really hoping that the progress some people are making to have
>>>> Unreal operate as a legitimate animation package continues.  It's still a
>>>> ways off, but the potential is exciting and Unreal isn't running out of
>>>> money anytime soon.
>>>> It's nice seeing people start to realize that Maya isn't the
>>>> here-all-end-all of necessity.
>>>> I personally couldn't be happier if it died a quick and extremely
>>>> unprofitable demise.
>>>> I just spent the day rewriting very elegant ICE deformers into hacky
>>>> Maya versions. *frown*
>>>> Anywho upwards and downwards!
>>>> On Oct 28, 2017 5:46 AM, "Jason S" <jasonsta...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I agree with everything you said..
>>>>> And I'm also saddened to see fabric close-up it's doors, especially in
>>>>> this already diversity deprived environment.
>>>>> & all the best to the FE team!
>>>>> On 10/27/17 17:59, Jonathan Moore wrote:
>>>>> MPC and PSYOP output some great work with Fabric Engine but in the end
>>>>> I always felt it was too narrowly aimed at senior TD's with plenty of
>>>>> programming experience. The success of ICE was fuelled by the compounds
>>>>> that acted as a gateway drug to the inner workings. I thought maybe that
>>>>> Kraken would develop into that gateway drug, but after seeing experienced
>>>>> riggers feeling out of their comfort zone, soon realised it wasn't to be.
>>>>> When Eric Mootz joined the team I thought maybe that would bring about
>>>>> tools for technically minded artists who weren't necessarily TD's.
>>>>> Whatever the reasons I feel for the FE team after all their hard
>>>>> efforts. But I feel as one door closes others will open for them, folk 
>>>>> with
>>>>> that much talent don't remain jobless for long.
>>>>> On 10/28/17 5:19, Michael Amasio wrote:
>>>>> That's too bad.
>>>>> This is rough market.  There's not much money in developing better
>>>>> solutions.  I guess we'll ride out our DCC's with ancient architecture, 
>>>>> and
>>>>> wait till one of us becomes a billionaire and funds something cutting 
>>>>> edge.
>>>>> I'd love to here more of the story of what happened from some of the
>>>>> developers.
>>>>> Guess I'll finally follow you to Houdini, Oliver.
>>>>> On Oct 28, 2017 12:31 AM, "Olivier Jeannel" <facialdel...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__fabricengine.com&d=DwIFaQ&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=6LhmFlwq547LVg10Y89qxXjc88j_MQQWenTQnZKbE9E&s=aG6cmVRQURiHm0t7NCRJaXRfRWyOnhP1naX3JI1O86s&e=
>>>>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__fabricengine.com&d=DwMBaQ&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=NGIA25JXPveaf5MIyjSYphp-EdBdUfzUWDPJRUxHmAc&s=7kg20PfKIhjC7adrNpSQ_8q1HKu7LJUyPif5TKQJYh8&e=>
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