Shape editor in Maya 2017 has a Bay Raitt style shape fixers. Some comments are 
 Blender addon called Animation Nodes (kind of nodal control of everything in 
Blender, plus per-point deformations) technically allows to build dependent 
shape keys, so sooner or later, there will be some interface on top, I guess.


Anyway.  What I’m talking about is a tool that helps with the creation of 
shapes that are , for example in context of the current pose of the skinned 
mesh. Or making a shape that is a corrective, in context of 2 or more other 
shapes that are applied, and that kind of thing.All this is doable without a 
shape manager of course, but it takes longer, and can become tedious when you 
have to keep doing it. Its very nice to have a tool to make this happen in a 
no-brainer way and not have workarounds that undermine and stall the flow of 

Correct me if I am wrong but this is not a standard thing in any package 
actually… I wish it was though.jb------
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