Hi Sonic,

I will also need multiple indexes searches,

Do you mean:

2) Multiple indexes with different schemas, search will search across
all or some subset and combine the results (federated search)

Exactly that. I'm comming from a quite old lucene based project, called SDX
<http://www.nongnu.org/sdx/docs/html/doc-sdx2/en/presentation/bases.html>. Sorry for the link, the project is mainly documented in french. The framework is cocoon base, maybe heavy now. It allows to host multiple "applications", with multiple "bases", a base is a kind of Solr Schema, in 2000.

From this experience, I can say cross search between different schemas is possible, and users may find it important. Take for example a library. They have different collections, lets say : csv records obtained from digitized photos, a light model, no write waited ; and a complex librarian model documented every day. These collections share at least a title and author field, and should be opened behind the same form for public ; but each one should have also its own application, according to its information model.

With the "SDX" framework upper, I know real life applications with 30 lucene indexes. It's possible, because lucene allow it (MultiReader) <http://lucene.zones.apache.org:8080/hudson/job/Lucene-Nightly/javadoc/org/apache/lucene/index/MultiReader.html>.

Frédéric Glorieux
École nationale des chartes
direction des nouvelles technologies et de l'informatique

> 1) Multiple unrelated indexes with different schemas, that you will
> search separately... but you just want them in the same JVM for some
> reason.

3) Multiple indexes with the same schema, each index is a "shard" that
contains part of the total collection.  Search will merge results
across all shards to give appearance of a single large collection
(distributed search).


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