I am a new Solr user and wonder if anyone can help me these questions. I used 
Solr to index about two million documents and query on it using standard 
request handler. I disabled all cache. I found phrase query was substantially 
slower than the usual query.  The statistic I collected is as following. I was 
doing the query on the one field only.  content:(auto repair)                47 
ms  repeatablecontent:("auto repair")              937 ms 
repeatablecontent:("auto repair"~10000)     766 ms repeatable What are the 
factors affecting phrase query performance? How come the phrase query 
content:("auto repair") is almost 20 times slower than content:(auto repair)? I 
also notice a the phrase query with a slop is always faster than the one 
without a slop. Is the difference I observe here a performance problem of 
Lucene or Solr?
It will be appreciated if anyone can help
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