bq: Also ,the collection is being actively indexed as I query this, could that
be an issue too ?

Not if the documents you're searching aren't being added as you search
(and all your autocommit intervals have expired).

I would turn off indexing for testing, it's just one more variable
that can get in the way of understanding this.

Do note that if the problem were endemic to Solr, there would probably
be a _lot_ more noise out there.

So to recap:
0> we can take the load balancer out of the picture all together.

1> when you query each shard individually with &distrib=true, every
replica in a particular shard returns the same count.

2> when you query without &distrib=true you get varying counts.

This is very strange and not at all expected. Let's try it again
without indexing going on....

And what do you mean by "indexing" anyway? How are documents being fed
to your system?


On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 7:32 PM, S.L <> wrote:
> Erick,
> I would like to add that the interesting behavior i.e point #2 that I
> mentioned in my earlier reply  happens in all the shards , if this were to
> be a distributed search issue this should have not manifested itself in the
> shard that contains the key that I am searching for , looks like the search
> is just failing as whole intermittently .
> Also ,the collection is being actively indexed as I query this, could that
> be an issue too ?
> Thanks.
> On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 10:24 PM, S.L <> wrote:
>> Erick,
>> Thanks for your reply, I tried your suggestions.
>> 1 . When not using loadbalancer if  *I have distrib=false* I get
>> consistent results across the replicas.
>> 2. However here's the insteresting part , while not using load balancer if
>> I *dont have distrib=false* , then when I query a particular node ,I get
>> the same behaviour as if I were using a loadbalancer , meaning the
>> distributed search from a node works intermittently .Does this give any
>> clue ?
>> On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 7:47 PM, Erick Erickson <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hmmm, nothing quite makes sense here....
>>> Here are some experiments:
>>> 1> avoid the load balancer and issue queries like
>>> http://solr_server:8983/solr/collection/q=whatever&distrib=false
>>> the &distrib=false bit will cause keep SolrCloud from trying to send
>>> the queries anywhere, they'll be served only from the node you address
>>> them to.
>>> that'll help check whether the nodes are consistent. You should be
>>> getting back the same results from each replica in a shard (i.e. 2 of
>>> your 6 machines).
>>> Next, try your failing query the same way.
>>> Next, try your failing query from a browser, pointing it at successive
>>> nodes.
>>> Where is the first place problems show up?
>>> My _guess_ is that your load balancer isn't quite doing what you think, or
>>> your cluster isn't set up the way you think it is, but those are guesses.
>>> Best,
>>> Erick
>>> On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 2:51 PM, S.L <> wrote:
>>> > Hi All,
>>> >
>>> > I am trying to query a 6 node Solr4.7  cluster with 3 shards and  a
>>> > replication factor of 2 .
>>> >
>>> > I have fronted these 6 Solr nodes using a load balancer , what I notice
>>> is
>>> > that every time I do a search of the form
>>> > q=*:*&fq=(id:9e78c064-919f-4ef3-b236-dc66351b4acf)  it gives me a result
>>> > only once in every 3 tries , telling me that the load balancer is
>>> > distributing the requests between the 3 shards and SolrCloud only
>>> returns a
>>> > result if the request goes to the core that as that id .
>>> >
>>> > However if I do a simple search like q=*:* , I consistently get the
>>> right
>>> > aggregated results back of all the documents across all the shards for
>>> > every request from the load balancer. Can someone please let me know
>>> what
>>> > this is symptomatic of ?
>>> >
>>> > Somehow Solr Cloud seems to be doing search query distribution and
>>> > aggregation for queries of type *:* only.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks.

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