Hello - facetting will be the same and distributed more like this is also 
possible since 5.0, and there is a working patch for 4.10.3. Regular search 
will work as well since 5.0 because of distributed IDF, which you need to 
enable manually. Behaviour will not be the same if you rely on average document 
length statistics, which is true when you use BM25 instead of the default TFIDF 
similarity. Solr will do the result merging so everything is transparent, 

-----Original message-----
> From:johnmu...@aol.com <johnmu...@aol.com>
> Sent: Thursday 5th March 2015 14:38
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Cores and and ranking (search quality)
> Hi,
> I have data in which I will index and search on.  This data is well define 
> such that I can index into a single core or multiple cores like so: 
> core_1:Jan2015, core_2:Feb2015, core_3:Mar2015, etc.
> My question is this: if I put my data in multiple cores and use distributed 
> search will the ranking be different if I had all my data in a single core?  
> If yes, how will it be different?  Also, will facet and more-like-this 
> quality / result be the same?
> Also, reading the distributed search wiki 
> (http://wiki.apache.org/solr/DistributedSearch) it looks like Solr does the 
> search and result merging (all I have to do is issue a search), is this 
> correct?
> Thanks!
> - MJ

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