On 7/20/2015 9:29 AM, Bhawna Asnani wrote:
> Thanks for your suggestions. The requirement is still the same , to be
> able to make a change to some solr documents and be able to see it on
> subsequent search/facet calls.
> I am using softCommit with waitSearcher=true.
> Also I am sending reads/writes to a single solr node only.
> I have tried disabling caches and warmup time in logs is '0' but every
> once in a while I do get the document just updated with stale data.
> I went through lucene documentation and it seems opening the
> IndexReader with the IndexWriter should make the changes visible to
> the reader.
> I checked solr logs no errors. I see this in logs each time
> 'Registered new searcher Searcher@xxxxx' even before searches that had
> the stale document. 
> I have attached my solrconfig.xml for reference.

Your attachment made it through the mailing list processing.  Most
don't, I'm surprised.  Some thoughts:

maxBooleanClauses has been set to 400000.  This is a lot.  If you
actually need a setting that high, then you are sending some MASSIVE
queries, which probably means that your Solr install is exceptionally
busy running those queries.

If the server is fairly busy, then you should increase maxTime on
autoCommit.  I use a value of five minutes (300000) ... and my server is
NOT very busy most of the time.  A commit with openSearcher set to false
is relatively fast, but it still has somewhat heavy CPU, memory, and
disk I/O resource requirements.

You have autoSoftCommit set to happen after five seconds.  If updates
happen frequently or run for very long, this is potentially a LOT of
committing and opening new searchers.  I guess it's better than trying
for one second, but anything more frequent than once a minute is likely
to get you into trouble unless the system load is extremely light ...
but as already discussed, your system load is probably not light.

For the kind of Near Real Time setup you have mentioned, where you want
to do one or more updates, commit, and then query for the changes, you
probably should completely remove autoSoftCommit from the config and
*only* open new searchers with explicit soft commits.  Let autoCommit
(with a maxTime of 1 to 5 minutes) handle durability concerns.

A lot of pieces in your config file are set to depend on java system
properties just like the example does, but since we do not know what
system properties have been set, we can't tell for sure what those parts
of the config are doing.


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