Mugeesh, I believe you are on the right path and I was eager to try out your suggestion. So my schema.xml now contains this snippet (changes indicated by ~):

<field name="id" type="date" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" /> ~ <field name="logtext" type="logtype" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" /> <field name="category" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" /> <field name="username" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" /> ~ <field name="ELall" type="logtype" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" />
<copyField source="logtext" dest="ELall" />
<copyField source="username" dest="ELall" />

~          <fieldType name="logtype" class="solr.TextField">
~     <analyzer type="index">
~        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory" />
~        <filter class="solr.StandardFilterFactory" />
~   </analyzer>
~ </fieldType>

but my results are the same -- that my search yields 0 results unless I wrap the search word with asterisks.

Alessandro, below are the results (with and without the asterisks) with debug turned on. I don't know what much of the debug info means. Is it giving you more clues?




        "id":"2012-07-10 13:23:39.0",
"logtext":["\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast Center, Wilmington, OH\n923 AM EDT Tuesday, July 10, 2012\n\nVery slow moving front has sagged down to the southernmost portion of the\nOhio Valley. This will keep the axis of convection along or south of the \nTN/KY border today and tomorrow, though some very light showers are \npossible in the northwest portion of the basin. On Thursday increased \nsoutherly flow over the Ohio Valley will begin to draw deeper moisture\nfarther north into the basin, but this will mainly be after the 48-hour\nforecast cutoff.\n\nDay 1 (8am EDT Tuesday - 8am EDT Wednesday):\nRain is forecast in southern Kentucky, southern West Virginia, middle\nTennessee and far western Virginia. Basin average amounts increase to the\nsouth with come areas approaching an inch. Light amounts less than 0.10 inch\nare expected in portions of central Indiana and Ohio. \n\nDay 2 (8am EDT Wednesday - 8am EDT Thursday): \nRain is forecast all areas south of the Ohio River as well as eastern \nIllinois, southern Indiana and southwest Pennsylvania. Basin average amounts\nincrease to the southwest with areas southwest of Nashville expecting \nover an inch. \n\nQPF from OHRFC, HPC, et al., can be seen at\n$$\nFor critical after-hours support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222.\nLink Crawford "],
        "id":"2012-07-10 17:39:09.0",
"logtext":["\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast Center, Wilmington, OH\n139 PM EDT Tuesday, July 10, 2012\n\n18Z Discussion:\nMade some changes to the first 6-hour period of the QPF, but otherwise made\nno changes to the previous issuance.\n\nPrevious Discussion (12Z):\nVery slow moving front has sagged down to the southernmost portion of the\nOhio Valley. This will keep the axis of convection along or south of the \nTN/KY border today and tomorrow, though some very light showers are \npossible in the northwest portion of the basin. On Thursday increased \nsoutherly flow over the Ohio Valley will begin to draw deeper moisture\nfarther north into the basin, but this will mainly be after the 48-hour\nforecast cutoff.\n\nDay 1 (8am EDT Tuesday - 8am EDT Wednesday):\nRain is forecast in southern Kentucky, southern West Virginia, middle\nTennessee and far western Virginia. Basin average amounts increase to the\nsouth with come areas approaching an inch. Light amounts less than 0.10 inch\nare expected in portions of central Indiana and Ohio. \n\nDay 2 (8am EDT Wednesday - 8am EDT Thursday): \nRain is forecast all areas south of the Ohio River as well as eastern \nIllinois, southern Indiana and southwest Pennsylvania. Basin average amounts\nincrease to the southwest with areas southwest of Nashville expecting \nover an inch. \n\nQPF from OHRFC, HPC, et al., can be seen at\n$$\nFor critical after-hours support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222.\nLink Crawford "],
        "id":"2012-07-11 12:39:56.0",
"logtext":["\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast Center, Wilmington, OH\n839 AM EDT Wednesday, July 11, 2012\n\nOHRFC QPF Discussion (12Z):\n\nDewpoints in the upper 60's and 70's will help fuel showers and thunderstorms \nacross the southern third of the basin today. This deeper moisture will\nslowly ooze northward this week as the Bermuda ridge gradually strengthens,\nthus placing the basin under the influence of a more southwestly flow. QPF\nis relatively tricky today as models remain in disagreement how far\nnorth/west the deeper moisture will traverse. We biased our QPF more toward\nthe Euro which keeps it farther south than all other models. Despite this\nmodel being an outlier, it goes along with the prevailing trend. \n\nDay 1 (8am EDT Wednesday - 8am EDT Thursday):\nShowers and storms are forecast across the southern third of the basin, and\nto a lesser extent in the higher terrain of WV and southwest PA. Parts of\nmiddle TN could top 1\" basin-average. \n\nDay 2 (8am EDT Thursday - 8am EDT Friday): \nShowers and storms will develop farther north than Day 1, into parts of\neastern IL, southern and central IN, southern and central OH, and much of\nWV. Convection is also forecast to continue across areas south of the Ohio\nRiver. Again, heaviest amounts are forecast in middle TN and parts of\nsouthern KY with over 1\" basin-average. \n\nQPF from OHRFC, HPC, et al., can be seen at\n$$\nFor critical after-hours support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222.\njm "],
        "id":"2012-07-11 18:18:56.0",
"logtext":["\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast Center, Wilmington, OH\n218 PM EDT Wednesday, July 11, 2012\n\n18Z Update: Made some minor changes to the first period to account for \nconvection firing across the southern and eastern basin this afternoon.\nOtherwise, besides tagging on an additional period Friday, no changes were\nmade to the forecast. \n\n\nPrevious Discussion (12Z):\n\nDewpoints in the upper 60's and 70's will help fuel showers and thunderstorms \nacross the southern third of the basin today. This deeper moisture will\nslowly ooze northward this week as the Bermuda ridge gradually strengthens,\nthus placing the basin under the influence of a more southwestly flow. QPF\nis relatively tricky today as models remain in disagreement how far\nnorth/west the deeper moisture will traverse. We biased our QPF more toward\nthe Euro which keeps it farther south than all other models. Despite this\nmodel being an outlier, it goes along with the prevailing trend. \n\nDay 1 (8am EDT Wednesday - 8am EDT Thursday):\nShowers and storms are forecast across the southern third of the basin, and\nto a lesser extent in the higher terrain of WV and southwest PA. Parts of\nmiddle TN could top 1\" basin-average. \n\nDay 2 (8am EDT Thursday - 8am EDT Friday): \nShowers and storms will develop farther north than Day 1, into parts of\neastern IL, southern and central IN, southern and central OH, and much of\nWV. Convection is also forecast to continue across areas south of the Ohio\nRiver. Again, heaviest amounts are forecast in middle TN and parts of\nsouthern KY with over 1\" basin-average. \n\nQPF from OHRFC, HPC, et al., can be seen at\n$$\nFor critical after-hours support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222."],
        "id":"2012-07-11 23:41:50.0",
"logtext":["\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast Center, Wilmington, OH\n741 PM EDT Wednesday, July 11, 2012\n\nDiscussion (00Z):\n\nMoist air across the southern basin will keep showers and thunderstorms in\nthe forecast. The deeper moisture will move farther north as southerly \nflow returns to the Ohio Valley. Stuck close to HPC this evening with\nminor adjustments for radar trends in the first 6 hr period. Also cut \nback slightly on max amounts across the SW. \n\nDay 1 (8pm EDT Wednesday - 8pm EDT Thursday):\nPrecip amounts up to 1.25\" are forecast across middle TN. Amounts taper \nto around 0.10\" along the Ohio River.\n\nDay 2 (8pm EDT Thursday - 8pm EDT Friday):\nPrecip is forecast for almost the entire basin. The highest forecast\namounts are across western KY...where up to 1.25\" is forecast. Amounts \ntaper to 0.00\" across the NE.\n\nQPF from OHRFC, HPC, et al., can be seen at\n$$\nFor critical after-hours support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222.\n "],
        "id":"2012-07-12 12:45:36.0",
"logtext":["\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast Center, Wilmington, OH\n845 AM EDT Thursday, July 12, 2012\n\nOHRFC QPF Discussion (12Z):\n\nA stubborn front over the southern basin will continue to produce unsettled\nweather mainly south of the Ohio River today and tonight. A strengthening\nBermuda ridge will nudge the deeper moisture farther north and west Friday\nand into the weekend. A nearly stationary surface trough will interact with\nthe excessive moisture to generate showers and thunderstorms across a good \nportion of the middle Ohio Valley during this time period. Due to the high \namount of uncertainty, we are going pretty conservative with our QPF amounts. \nWe favored a SREF/Euro blend, but made plenty of additional tweaks to cut \nback the precip over the drier northwest part of the basin. In general, our \nQPF amounts are about half that of HPC throughout much of the basin. \n\nOHRFC 48-hr QPF Amounts ending 12Z Saturday: \n\nDay 1 (8am EDT Thursday - 8am EDT Friday):\nUnsettled weather will continue mainly along and south of the Ohio River. \nHeaviest amounts are forecast across much of KY and middle TN with basin\naverage amounts between 0.50\" to 1.50\". More isolated activity is expected\nnorth of the Ohio. \n\nDay 2 (8am EDT Friday - 8am EDT Saturday):\nThe axis of heavier precipitation will shift northward into north-central\nKY, far southern IL, southern IN, southern OH, northern and western WV, and\nsouthwest PA. Basin-average amounts should range from 0.25\" to 0.75\". \n\n\nQPF from OHRFC, HPC, et al., can be seen at\n$$\nFor critical after-hours support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222.\njm "],
        "id":"2012-07-12 18:02:33.0",
"logtext":["\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast Center, Wilmington, OH\n202 PM EDT Thursday, July 12, 2012\n\n18Z Update: New 18Z HPC QPF package appears to be a bit more conservative. We \nblended our first period toward their new guidance and made some additional \ntweaks for current radar trends/convection. Otherwise, no changes were\nneeded at this time. \n\nPrevious QPF Discussion (12Z):\n\nA stubborn front over the southern basin will continue to produce unsettled\nweather mainly south of the Ohio River today and tonight. A strengthening\nBermuda ridge will nudge the deeper moisture farther north and west Friday\nand into the weekend. A nearly stationary surface trough will interact with\nthe excessive moisture to generate showers and thunderstorms across a good \nportion of the middle Ohio Valley during this time period. Due to the high \namount of uncertainty, we are going pretty conservative with our QPF amounts. \nWe favored a SREF/Euro blend, but made plenty of additional tweaks to cut \nback the precip over the drier northwest part of the basin. In general, our \nQPF amounts are about half that of HPC throughout much of the basin. \n\nOHRFC 48-hr QPF Amounts ending 12Z Saturday: \n\nDay 1 (8am EDT Thursday - 8am EDT Friday):\nUnsettled weather will continue mainly along and south of the Ohio River. \nHeaviest amounts are forecast across much of KY and middle TN with basin\naverage amounts between 0.50\" to 1.50\". More isolated activity is expected\nnorth of the Ohio. \n\nDay 2 (8am EDT Friday - 8am EDT Saturday):\nThe axis of heavier precipitation will shift northward into north-central\nKY, far southern IL, southern IN, southern OH, northern and western WV, and\nsouthwest PA. Basin-average amounts should range from 0.25\" to 0.75\". \n\nQPF from OHRFC, HPC, et al., can be seen at\n$$\nFor critical after-hours support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222.\njm "],
        "id":"2009-07-29 13:13:20.0",
"logtext":["ZCZC CRWHCMTIR CES\nTTAA00 KTIR DDHHMM\n\n...FOR INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGENCY USE ONLY...\n\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast Center, Wilmington, OH\n913 AM EDT Wednesday, July 29, 2009\n\nTo: OHRFC WFOs\nFrom: OHRFC\n\nA cold front slowly working its way across the basin will result in more\nunsettled weather for much of the Ohio Valley today. Higher QPF totals are\nforecast across the eastern half of the region where the deeper moisture\nresides. A sizable break in the action is anticipated tonight before the\nnext wave moves into the western basin on Thursday. Overall, our forecast\nis very similar to HPC's QPF except for the usual radar based adjustments\nin the first period. \n\nOHRFC QPF Amounts through 12Z Thursday:\nA half inch or more is forecast for most of the eastern half of the Ohio\nValley, with amounts over an inch likely for the higher terrain. Generally\naround a quarter of an inch or less is forecast for the western side of the\nbasin. \n\n\n$$\njm \nNNNN"],
        "id":"2010-08-28 11:04:33.0",
"logtext":["TTAA00 KTIR DDHHMM\n\n...FOR INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGENCY USE ONLY...\n\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast Center, Wilmington, OH\n704 AM EDT Saturday, August 28, 2010\n\nSome isolated showers are possible again over the New River basin and in\nmiddle Tennessee this afternoon. Otherwise, the Ohio Valley will remain dry\ntoday. On Sunday, the ridge axis will shift slightly eastward, just enough\nto allow deeper moisture to sneak into the southwestern Ohio Valley. \nOur QPF reflects this increased chance of showers and thunderstorms over\nmiddle TN, western KY, eastern IL, and far southwest IN. \n \n\n$$\nFor critical after-hours support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222.\njm "],
        "id":"2011-05-06 12:44:03.0",
"logtext":["\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast Center, Wilmington, OH\n844 AM EDT Friday, May 6, 2011\n\nTO: OHRFC HSAs\nFROM: OHRFC \n\n***The Ohio River Forecast Center remains on 24 hour operations***\n\nOHRFC QPF Discussion:\n\nMild-mannered system to work its way across the Ohio Valley today with\nweak cold front currently pushing into western Ohio and middle Kentucky.\nThere will be a brief break after this system before the Saturday \nsystem moves into the western portion of the basin. This second system\nfeatures slightly deeper moisture, but still rainfall amounts should be\nmodest. Utilized HPC's guidance for the QPF today, with the exception\nof adjustments to the first period to account current rainfall trends.\n\nOHRFC QPF Forecast through 8am EDT Sunday:\n\nDay 1: 8am EDT Friday through 8am EDT Saturday:\nRain is forecast for most of the Ohio Valley. Amounts will generally be\n0.10 inch or less.\n\nDay 2: 8am EDT Saturday through 8am EDT Sunday:\nRain is expected basinwide. Most areas will see amounts in the 0.25 \nto 0.50 inch range with amounts up to 0.75 inch in southeast Kentucky.\n\nQPF from OHRFC, HPC, et al., can be seen at\n$$\nFor critical after-hours support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222.\nLink Crawford "],
"2012-07-10 13:23:39.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n 1.0 = boost\n 1.0 = queryNorm\n", "2012-07-10 17:39:09.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n 1.0 = boost\n 1.0 = queryNorm\n", "2012-07-11 12:39:56.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n 1.0 = boost\n 1.0 = queryNorm\n", "2012-07-11 18:18:56.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n 1.0 = boost\n 1.0 = queryNorm\n", "2012-07-11 23:41:50.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n 1.0 = boost\n 1.0 = queryNorm\n", "2012-07-12 12:45:36.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n 1.0 = boost\n 1.0 = queryNorm\n", "2012-07-12 18:02:33.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n 1.0 = boost\n 1.0 = queryNorm\n", "2009-07-29 13:13:20.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n 1.0 = boost\n 1.0 = queryNorm\n", "2010-08-28 11:04:33.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n 1.0 = boost\n 1.0 = queryNorm\n", "2011-05-06 12:44:03.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n 1.0 = boost\n 1.0 = queryNorm\n"},

On 9/23/2015 8:54 AM, Mugeesh Husain wrote:
Hi Mark,

Search is not coming properly becuase you have taken  "ELall" field  as a
text type which is not define properly.

you have to modify the  schema.xml with these chance.

<fieldType name="logtype" class="solr.TextField">
   <analyzer type="index">
     <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
     <filter class="solr.StandardFilterFactory"/>
<field name="logtext" type="logtype" indexed="true" stored="true"
<field name="ELall" type="logtype" indexed="true" stored="true"

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