This is totally weird.

Don't only re-index your old docs, find the data directory and
rm -rf data (with Solr stopped) and re-index.

re: the analysis page Alessandro mentioned.
Go to the Solr admin UI (http://localhost:8983/solr). You'll
see a drop-down on the left that lets you select a core,
select the appropriate one.

Now you'll see a bunch of new choices. The "analysis" section
is what Alessandro is referencing. That shows you _exactly_ what
effects your analysis chain has at index and query time.

On the same page, you'll find "schema browser". Take a look at
your logtext field and hit the "load term info" button. You should
see a bunch of single-word tokens listed. If you see really long ones,
then your index is hosed and you should start by blowing away
the data directory....

Because this symptom is totally explained by searching on a "string"
rather than a "text" type. But your definition is clearly a tokenized text
type so I'm mystified.

The ELall field is a red herring. The debug output shows you're searching
on the logtext field, this line is the relevant one:


On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 8:07 AM, Mark Fenbers <> wrote:

> On 9/23/2015 10:21 AM, Alessandro Benedetti wrote:
>> mmmmm so those 2 are the queries at the minute :
>> 1) logtext:deeper
>> 2) logtext:*deeper*
>> According to your schema, the log text field is of type "text_en".
>> This should be completely fine.
>> Have you ever changed your schema on run ? without re-indexing your old
>> docs ?
> I might forget sometimes, but usually, when I make changes to
> solrconfig.xml or schema.xml, then I delete the main index and the
> spellchecker indexes, and then restart solr, then do /dataimport again.
>> What happens if you use your analysis tool ( both query and index time)
>> with the term deeper ?
> Can you clarify what you want me to do here?  What do you want me to put
> in the (Index) text box and in the (Query) text box and what do I select in
> the fieldType drop-list?  When I put "deeper" into both text boxes and
> select text_en from the drop list, I get several results, but I don't know
> what the output means.
> thanks,
> Mark

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