mmmmm so those 2 are the queries at the minute :

1) logtext:deeper
2) logtext:*deeper*

According to your schema, the log text field is of type "text_en".
This should be completely fine.
Have you ever changed your schema on run ? without re-indexing your old
docs ?
What happens if you use your analysis tool ( both query and index time)
with the term deeper ?


2015-09-23 15:10 GMT+01:00 Mark Fenbers <>:

> Mugeesh, I believe you are on the right path and I was eager to try out
> your suggestion.  So my schema.xml now contains this snippet (changes
> indicated by ~):
> <field name="id" type="date" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true"
> />
>  ~         <field name="logtext" type="logtype" indexed="true"
> stored="true" required="true" />
> <field name="category" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="true" />
> <field name="username" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="true" />
> ~          <field name="ELall" type="logtype" indexed="true" stored="true"
> multiValued="true" />
> <copyField source="logtext" dest="ELall" />
> <copyField source="username" dest="ELall" />
> ~          <fieldType name="logtype" class="solr.TextField">
> ~     <analyzer type="index">
> ~        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory" />
> ~        <filter class="solr.StandardFilterFactory" />
> ~   </analyzer>
> ~ </fieldType>
> but my results are the same -- that my search yields 0 results unless I
> wrap the search word with asterisks.
> Alessandro, below are the results (with and without the asterisks) with
> debug turned on.  I don't know what much of the debug info means.  Is it
> giving you more clues?
> http://localhost:8983/solr/EventLog/select?q=deeper&wt=json&indent=true&debugQuery=true
> {
>   "responseHeader":{
>     "status":0,
>     "QTime":2,
>     "params":{
>       "q":"deeper",
>       "indent":"true",
>       "wt":"json",
>       "debugQuery":"true"}},
>   "response":{"numFound":0,"start":0,"docs":[]
>   },
>   "debug":{
>     "rawquerystring":"deeper",
>     "querystring":"deeper",
>     "parsedquery":"logtext:deeper",
>     "parsedquery_toString":"logtext:deeper",
>     "explain":{},
>     "QParser":"LuceneQParser",
>     "timing":{
>       "time":1.0,
>       "prepare":{
>         "time":0.0,
>         "query":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "facet":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "facet_module":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "mlt":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "highlight":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "stats":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "expand":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "debug":{
>           "time":0.0}},
>       "process":{
>         "time":0.0,
>         "query":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "facet":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "facet_module":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "mlt":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "highlight":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "stats":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "expand":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "debug":{
>           "time":0.0}}}}}
> http://localhost:8983/solr/EventLog/select?q=*deeper*&wt=json&indent=true&debugQuery=true
> {
>   "responseHeader":{
>     "status":0,
>     "QTime":460,
>     "params":{
>       "q":"*deeper*",
>       "indent":"true",
>       "wt":"json",
>       "debugQuery":"true"}},
>   "response":{"numFound":45,"start":0,"docs":[
>       {
>         "id":"2012-07-10 13:23:39.0",
>         "category":[16],
>         "logtext":["\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast
> Center, Wilmington, OH\n923 AM EDT Tuesday, July 10, 2012\n\nVery slow
> moving front has sagged down to the southernmost portion of the\nOhio
> Valley. This will keep the axis of convection along or south of the \nTN/KY
> border today and tomorrow, though some very light showers are \npossible in
> the northwest portion of the basin. On Thursday increased \nsoutherly flow
> over the Ohio Valley will begin to draw deeper moisture\nfarther north into
> the basin, but this will mainly be after the 48-hour\nforecast
> cutoff.\n\nDay 1 (8am EDT Tuesday - 8am EDT Wednesday):\nRain is forecast
> in southern Kentucky, southern West Virginia, middle\nTennessee and far
> western Virginia. Basin average amounts increase to the\nsouth with come
> areas approaching an inch. Light amounts less than 0.10 inch\nare expected
> in portions of central Indiana and Ohio. \n\nDay 2 (8am EDT Wednesday - 8am
> EDT Thursday): \nRain is forecast all areas south of the Ohio River as well
> as eastern \nIllinois, southern Indiana and southwest Pennsylvania. Basin
> average amounts\nincrease to the southwest with areas southwest of
> Nashville expecting \nover an inch. \n\nQPF from OHRFC, HPC, et al., can be
> seen at\n$$\nFor
> <$$%5CnFor> critical after-hours
> support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222.\nLink Crawford "],
>         "username":["crawford"],
>         "_version_":1512928764746530816},
>       {
>         "id":"2012-07-10 17:39:09.0",
>         "category":[16],
>         "logtext":["\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast
> Center, Wilmington, OH\n139 PM EDT Tuesday, July 10, 2012\n\n18Z
> Discussion:\nMade some changes to the first 6-hour period of the QPF, but
> otherwise made\nno changes to the previous issuance.\n\nPrevious Discussion
> (12Z):\nVery slow moving front has sagged down to the southernmost portion
> of the\nOhio Valley. This will keep the axis of convection along or south
> of the \nTN/KY border today and tomorrow, though some very light showers
> are \npossible in the northwest portion of the basin. On Thursday increased
> \nsoutherly flow over the Ohio Valley will begin to draw deeper
> moisture\nfarther north into the basin, but this will mainly be after the
> 48-hour\nforecast cutoff.\n\nDay 1 (8am EDT Tuesday - 8am EDT
> Wednesday):\nRain is forecast in southern Kentucky, southern West Virginia,
> middle\nTennessee and far western Virginia. Basin average amounts increase
> to the\nsouth with come areas approaching an inch. Light amounts less than
> 0.10 inch\nare expected in portions of central Indiana and Ohio. \n\nDay 2
> (8am EDT Wednesday - 8am EDT Thursday): \nRain is forecast all areas south
> of the Ohio River as well as eastern \nIllinois, southern Indiana and
> southwest Pennsylvania. Basin average amounts\nincrease to the southwest
> with areas southwest of Nashville expecting \nover an inch. \n\nQPF from
> OHRFC, HPC, et al., can be seen at\n$$\nFor
> <$$%5CnFor> critical after-hours
> support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222.\nLink Crawford    "],
>         "username":["crawford"],
>         "_version_":1512928764769599488},
>       {
>         "id":"2012-07-11 12:39:56.0",
>         "category":[16],
>         "logtext":["\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast
> Center, Wilmington, OH\n839 AM EDT Wednesday, July 11, 2012\n\nOHRFC QPF
> Discussion (12Z):\n\nDewpoints in the upper 60's and 70's will help fuel
> showers and thunderstorms \nacross the southern third of the basin today.
> This deeper moisture will\nslowly ooze northward this week as the Bermuda
> ridge gradually strengthens,\nthus placing the basin under the influence of
> a more southwestly flow. QPF\nis relatively tricky today as models remain
> in disagreement how far\nnorth/west the deeper moisture will traverse. We
> biased our QPF more toward\nthe Euro which keeps it farther south than all
> other models. Despite this\nmodel being an outlier, it goes along with the
> prevailing trend. \n\nDay 1 (8am EDT Wednesday - 8am EDT
> Thursday):\nShowers and storms are forecast across the southern third of
> the basin, and\nto a lesser extent in the higher terrain of WV and
> southwest PA. Parts of\nmiddle TN could top 1\" basin-average. \n\nDay 2
> (8am EDT Thursday - 8am EDT Friday): \nShowers and storms will develop
> farther north than Day 1, into parts of\neastern IL, southern and central
> IN, southern and central OH, and much of\nWV. Convection is also forecast
> to continue across areas south of the Ohio\nRiver. Again, heaviest amounts
> are forecast in middle TN and parts of\nsouthern KY with over 1\"
> basin-average. \n\nQPF from OHRFC, HPC, et al., can be seen at
> <$$%5CnFor> critical after-hours
> support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222.\njm "],
>         "username":["myers"],
>         "_version_":1512928764810493952},
>       {
>         "id":"2012-07-11 18:18:56.0",
>         "category":[16],
>         "logtext":["\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast
> Center, Wilmington, OH\n218 PM EDT Wednesday, July 11, 2012\n\n18Z Update:
> Made some minor changes to the first period to account for \nconvection
> firing across the southern and eastern basin this afternoon.\nOtherwise,
> besides tagging on an additional period Friday, no changes were\nmade to
> the forecast. \n\n\nPrevious Discussion (12Z):\n\nDewpoints in the upper
> 60's and 70's will help fuel showers and thunderstorms \nacross the
> southern third of the basin today. This deeper moisture will\nslowly ooze
> northward this week as the Bermuda ridge gradually strengthens,\nthus
> placing the basin under the influence of a more southwestly flow. QPF\nis
> relatively tricky today as models remain in disagreement how
> far\nnorth/west the deeper moisture will traverse. We biased our QPF more
> toward\nthe Euro which keeps it farther south than all other models.
> Despite this\nmodel being an outlier, it goes along with the prevailing
> trend. \n\nDay 1 (8am EDT Wednesday - 8am EDT Thursday):\nShowers and
> storms are forecast across the southern third of the basin, and\nto a
> lesser extent in the higher terrain of WV and southwest PA. Parts
> of\nmiddle TN could top 1\" basin-average. \n\nDay 2 (8am EDT Thursday -
> 8am EDT Friday): \nShowers and storms will develop farther north than Day
> 1, into parts of\neastern IL, southern and central IN, southern and central
> OH, and much of\nWV. Convection is also forecast to continue across areas
> south of the Ohio\nRiver. Again, heaviest amounts are forecast in middle TN
> and parts of\nsouthern KY with over 1\" basin-average. \n\nQPF from OHRFC,
> HPC, et al., can be seen at\n$$\nFor
> <$$%5CnFor> critical after-hours
> support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222."],
>         "username":["oper"],
>         "_version_":1512928764835659776},
>       {
>         "id":"2012-07-11 23:41:50.0",
>         "category":[16],
>         "logtext":["\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast
> Center, Wilmington, OH\n741 PM EDT Wednesday, July 11, 2012\n\nDiscussion
> (00Z):\n\nMoist air across the southern basin will keep showers and
> thunderstorms in\nthe forecast.  The deeper moisture will move farther
> north as southerly \nflow returns to the Ohio Valley.  Stuck close to HPC
> this evening with\nminor adjustments for radar trends in the first 6 hr
> period.  Also cut \nback slightly on max amounts across the SW.  \n\nDay 1
> (8pm EDT Wednesday - 8pm EDT Thursday):\nPrecip amounts up to 1.25\" are
> forecast across middle TN. Amounts taper \nto around 0.10\"  along the Ohio
> River.\n\nDay 2 (8pm EDT Thursday - 8pm EDT Friday):\nPrecip is forecast
> for almost the entire basin.  The highest forecast\namounts are across
> western KY...where up to 1.25\" is forecast.  Amounts \ntaper to 0.00\"
> across the NE.\n\nQPF from OHRFC, HPC, et al., can be seen at
> <$$%5CnFor> critical after-hours
> support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222.\n  "],
>         "username":["oper"],
>         "_version_":1512928764890185728},
>       {
>         "id":"2012-07-12 12:45:36.0",
>         "category":[16],
>         "logtext":["\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast
> Center, Wilmington, OH\n845 AM EDT Thursday, July 12, 2012\n\nOHRFC QPF
> Discussion (12Z):\n\nA stubborn front over the southern basin will continue
> to produce unsettled\nweather mainly south of the Ohio River today and
> tonight. A strengthening\nBermuda ridge will nudge the deeper moisture
> farther north and west Friday\nand into the weekend. A nearly stationary
> surface trough will interact with\nthe excessive moisture to generate
> showers and thunderstorms across a good \nportion of the middle Ohio Valley
> during this time period. Due to the high \namount of uncertainty, we are
> going pretty conservative with our QPF amounts. \nWe favored a SREF/Euro
> blend, but made plenty of additional tweaks to cut \nback the precip over
> the drier northwest part of the basin. In general, our \nQPF amounts are
> about half that of HPC throughout much of the basin. \n\nOHRFC 48-hr QPF
> Amounts ending 12Z Saturday: \n\nDay 1 (8am EDT Thursday - 8am EDT
> Friday):\nUnsettled weather will continue mainly along and south of the
> Ohio River. \nHeaviest amounts are forecast across much of KY and middle TN
> with basin\naverage amounts between 0.50\" to 1.50\". More isolated
> activity is expected\nnorth of the Ohio. \n\nDay 2 (8am EDT Friday - 8am
> EDT Saturday):\nThe axis of heavier precipitation will shift northward into
> north-central\nKY, far southern IL, southern IN, southern OH, northern and
> western WV, and\nsouthwest PA. Basin-average amounts should range from
> 0.25\" to 0.75\". \n\n\nQPF from OHRFC, HPC, et al., can be seen at
> <$$%5CnFor> critical after-hours
> support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222.\njm   "],
>         "username":["myers"],
>         "_version_":1512928764967780352},
>       {
>         "id":"2012-07-12 18:02:33.0",
>         "category":[16],
>         "logtext":["\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast
> Center, Wilmington, OH\n202 PM EDT Thursday, July 12, 2012\n\n18Z Update:
> New 18Z HPC QPF package appears to be a bit more conservative. We \nblended
> our first period toward their new guidance and made some additional
> \ntweaks for current radar trends/convection. Otherwise, no changes
> were\nneeded at this time. \n\nPrevious QPF Discussion (12Z):\n\nA stubborn
> front over the southern basin will continue to produce unsettled\nweather
> mainly south of the Ohio River today and tonight. A strengthening\nBermuda
> ridge will nudge the deeper moisture farther north and west Friday\nand
> into the weekend. A nearly stationary surface trough will interact
> with\nthe excessive moisture to generate showers and thunderstorms across a
> good \nportion of the middle Ohio Valley during this time period. Due to
> the high \namount of uncertainty, we are going pretty conservative with our
> QPF amounts. \nWe favored a SREF/Euro blend, but made plenty of additional
> tweaks to cut \nback the precip over the drier northwest part of the basin.
> In general, our \nQPF amounts are about half that of HPC throughout much of
> the basin. \n\nOHRFC 48-hr QPF Amounts ending 12Z Saturday: \n\nDay 1 (8am
> EDT Thursday - 8am EDT Friday):\nUnsettled weather will continue mainly
> along and south of the Ohio River. \nHeaviest amounts are forecast across
> much of KY and middle TN with basin\naverage amounts between 0.50\" to
> 1.50\". More isolated activity is expected\nnorth of the Ohio. \n\nDay 2
> (8am EDT Friday - 8am EDT Saturday):\nThe axis of heavier precipitation
> will shift northward into north-central\nKY, far southern IL, southern IN,
> southern OH, northern and western WV, and\nsouthwest PA. Basin-average
> amounts should range from 0.25\" to 0.75\". \n\nQPF from OHRFC, HPC, et
> al., can be seen at\n$$\nFor
> <$$%5CnFor> critical after-hours
> support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222.\njm  "],
>         "username":["myers"],
>         "_version_":1512928765003431936},
>       {
>         "id":"2009-07-29 13:13:20.0",
>         "category":[16],
>         "logtext":["ZCZC CRWHCMTIR CES\nTTAA00 KTIR DDHHMM\n\n...FOR
> INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGENCY USE ONLY...\n\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio
> River Forecast Center, Wilmington, OH\n913 AM EDT Wednesday, July 29,
> 2009\n\nTo:   OHRFC WFOs\nFrom: OHRFC\n\nA cold front slowly working its
> way across the basin will result in more\nunsettled weather for much of the
> Ohio Valley today. Higher QPF totals are\nforecast across the eastern half
> of the region where the deeper moisture\nresides. A sizable break in the
> action is anticipated tonight before the\nnext wave moves into the western
> basin on Thursday. Overall, our forecast\nis very similar to HPC's QPF
> except for the usual radar based adjustments\nin the first period.
> \n\nOHRFC QPF Amounts through 12Z Thursday:\nA half inch or more is
> forecast for most of the eastern half of the Ohio\nValley, with amounts
> over an inch likely for the higher terrain. Generally\naround a quarter of
> an inch or less is forecast for the western side of the\nbasin.
> \n\n\n$$\njm    \nNNNN"],
>         "username":["myers"],
>         "_version_":1512928766474584064},
>       {
>         "id":"2010-08-28 11:04:33.0",
>         "category":[16],
> USE ONLY...\n\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast Center,
> Wilmington, OH\n704 AM EDT Saturday, August 28, 2010\n\nSome isolated
> showers are possible again over the New River basin and in\nmiddle
> Tennessee this afternoon. Otherwise, the Ohio Valley will remain
> dry\ntoday. On Sunday, the ridge axis will shift slightly eastward, just
> enough\nto allow deeper moisture to sneak into the southwestern Ohio
> Valley. \nOur QPF reflects this increased chance of showers and
> thunderstorms over\nmiddle TN, western KY, eastern IL, and far southwest
> IN. \n \n\n$$\nFor critical after-hours support, the OHRFC cell number is
> 937-725-2222.\njm "],
>         "username":["myers"],
>         "_version_":1512928767572443136},
>       {
>         "id":"2011-05-06 12:44:03.0",
>         "category":[16],
>         "logtext":["\nHydromet Coordination Message\nOhio River Forecast
> Center, Wilmington, OH\n844 AM EDT Friday, May 6, 2011\n\nTO: OHRFC
> HSAs\nFROM: OHRFC  \n\n***The Ohio River Forecast Center remains on 24 hour
> operations***\n\nOHRFC QPF Discussion:\n\nMild-mannered system to work its
> way across the Ohio Valley today with\nweak cold front currently pushing
> into western Ohio and middle Kentucky.\nThere will be a brief break after
> this system before the Saturday \nsystem moves into the western portion of
> the basin. This second system\nfeatures slightly deeper moisture, but still
> rainfall amounts should be\nmodest.  Utilized HPC's guidance for the QPF
> today, with the exception\nof adjustments to the first period to account
> current rainfall trends.\n\nOHRFC QPF Forecast through 8am EDT
> Sunday:\n\nDay 1: 8am EDT Friday through 8am EDT Saturday:\nRain is
> forecast for most of the Ohio Valley. Amounts will generally be\n0.10 inch
> or less.\n\nDay 2:  8am EDT Saturday through 8am EDT Sunday:\nRain is
> expected basinwide.  Most areas will see amounts in the 0.25 \nto 0.50 inch
> range with amounts up to 0.75 inch in southeast Kentucky.\n\nQPF from
> OHRFC, HPC, et al., can be seen at\n$$\nFor
> <$$%5CnFor> critical after-hours
> support, the OHRFC cell number is 937-725-2222.\nLink Crawford "],
>         "username":["crawford"],
>         "_version_":1512928767842975744}]
>   },
>   "debug":{
>     "rawquerystring":"*deeper*",
>     "querystring":"*deeper*",
>     "parsedquery":"logtext:*deeper*",
>     "parsedquery_toString":"logtext:*deeper*",
>     "explain":{
>       "2012-07-10 13:23:39.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n
> 1.0 = boost\n  1.0 = queryNorm\n",
>       "2012-07-10 17:39:09.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n
> 1.0 = boost\n  1.0 = queryNorm\n",
>       "2012-07-11 12:39:56.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n
> 1.0 = boost\n  1.0 = queryNorm\n",
>       "2012-07-11 18:18:56.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n
> 1.0 = boost\n  1.0 = queryNorm\n",
>       "2012-07-11 23:41:50.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n
> 1.0 = boost\n  1.0 = queryNorm\n",
>       "2012-07-12 12:45:36.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n
> 1.0 = boost\n  1.0 = queryNorm\n",
>       "2012-07-12 18:02:33.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n
> 1.0 = boost\n  1.0 = queryNorm\n",
>       "2009-07-29 13:13:20.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n
> 1.0 = boost\n  1.0 = queryNorm\n",
>       "2010-08-28 11:04:33.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n
> 1.0 = boost\n  1.0 = queryNorm\n",
>       "2011-05-06 12:44:03.0":"\n1.0 = logtext:*deeper*, product of:\n
> 1.0 = boost\n  1.0 = queryNorm\n"},
>     "QParser":"LuceneQParser",
>     "timing":{
>       "time":460.0,
>       "prepare":{
>         "time":8.0,
>         "query":{
>           "time":8.0},
>         "facet":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "facet_module":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "mlt":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "highlight":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "stats":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "expand":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "debug":{
>           "time":0.0}},
>       "process":{
>         "time":451.0,
>         "query":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "facet":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "facet_module":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "mlt":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "highlight":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "stats":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "expand":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "debug":{
>           "time":450.0}}}}}
> On 9/23/2015 8:54 AM, Mugeesh Husain wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> Search is not coming properly becuase you have taken  "ELall" field  as a
>> text type which is not define properly.
>> you have to modify the  schema.xml with these chance.
>> <fieldType name="logtype" class="solr.TextField">
>>    <analyzer type="index">
>>      <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
>>      <filter class="solr.StandardFilterFactory"/>
>>    </analyzer>
>> </fieldType>
>> <field name="logtext" type="logtype" indexed="true" stored="true"
>> required="true"/>
>> <field name="ELall" type="logtype" indexed="true" stored="true"
>> multiValued="true"/>
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at


Benedetti Alessandro
Visiting card -
Blog -

"Tyger, tyger burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?"

William Blake - Songs of Experience -1794 England

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