On 9/25/2018 9:21 AM, Chuck Reynolds wrote:
Each server has three instances of Solr running on it so every instance on the 
server has to be in the same replica set.

You should be running exactly one Solr instance per server.  When evaluating rules for replica placement, SolrCloud will treat each instance as completely separate from all others, including others on the same machine.  It will not know that those three instances are on the same machine.  One Solr instance can handle MANY indexes.

There is only ONE situation where it makes sense to run multiple instances per machine, and in my strong opinion, even that situation should not be handled with multiple instances. That situation is this:  When running one instance would require a REALLY large heap.  Garbage collection pauses can become extreme in that situation, so some people will run multiple instances that each have a smaller heap, and divide their indexes between them. In my opinion, when you have enough index data on an instance that it requires a huge heap, instead of running two or more instances on one server, it's time to add more servers.


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