Is the box you're seeing this on the Overseer? Or is it in any other
way "special", like has all the leaders? And I'm assuming all these
are NRT replicas, not TLOG or PULL.

What are you doing when these occur? Queries? Updates? If you're doing
updates, are these coincident with each request? Each commit (which
you shouldn't be doing from the client anyway)? If they're coincident
with updating, are you updating in batches or a single doc at a time?

I can imagine each update or commit gets the status, although even
that seems questionable.

If you can pin down a bit what actions trigger the request that'd help a lot.


On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 8:06 AM Zimmermann, Thomas
<> wrote:
> Question about CloudSolrClient and CLUSTERSTATUS. We just deployed a 3 server 
> ZK cluster and a 5 node solr cluster using the CloudSolrClient in Solr 7.4.
> We're seeing a TON of traffic going to one server with just cluster status 
> commands. Every single query seems to be hitting this box for status, but the 
> rest of the query load is divided evenly amongst the servers. Is this an 
> expected interaction in this client?
> For example - 75k request per minute going to this one box, and 3.5k RPM to 
> all other nodes in the cloud.
> All of those extra requests on the one box are 
> "/solr/admin/collections?collection=collectionName&action=CLUSTERSTATUS&wt=javabin&version=2"
> Our plan right now is to roll back to the basic HTTP client and pass all 
> traffic through our load balancer, but would like to understand if this is an 
> expected interaction for the Cloud Client, a misconfiguration on our end, or 
> a bug

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