On 11/6/2018 9:06 AM, Zimmermann, Thomas wrote:
For example - 75k request per minute going to this one box, and 3.5k RPM to all 
other nodes in the cloud.

All of those extra requests on the one box are 

That sounds like either a bug or some kind of problem in your setup.  Over a thousand requests per second will overwhelm a single Solr node, even if the info can be satisfied entirely from memory and doesn't require complex calculations or large-scale data retrieval like a regular query does.

If you manually execute that request, do you get a response, and does it return quickly or take a significant amount of time?  If the request itself has problems, maybe CloudSolrClient is repeating it frequently because it's not getting the info it's after.  Can you share the full log entry from solr.log for one of those requests?

I try to keep an eye on things with CloudSolrClient, but I have very limited experience with it.  I cannot imagine that the behavior you're seeing is normal.  It sounds very wrong to me.

Since I do not know all that much about how CloudSolrClient's background threads work, I cannot say for sure whether it's a bug or a problem with your setup.  Can you try upgrading the Solr jars in your client app to 7.5.0 and see if that makes any difference?  What version of Solr are you running on the server side?

Our plan right now is to roll back to the basic HTTP client and pass all 
traffic through our load balancer, but would like to understand if this is an 
expected interaction for the Cloud Client, a misconfiguration on our end, or a 

At least you have that as an option!  Some people might not be able to do that.


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