On 1/26/2019 4:48 PM, Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo wrote:
Thanks for your reply. Below are the replies to your email:

1) We have tried to set the heap size to be 8g previously when we faced the
same issue, and changing to 7g does not help too.

2) We are using standard disk at the moment.

3) In the link is the screenshot of the process list that is sort by Commit.

My original thought is still the best idea I have. I think that the other software on the system is heavily using the disk cache and not leaving enough of it for Solr's data.

From what I can tell, the other software on the system is not using MMAP for disk access, so the large amount of disk cache usage is not reflected in the "Commit" number for those programs.

In the last screenshot, the Solr instances appear to be handling very little index data -- the Commit number is actually *smaller* than the Working Set number, which will not be the case when there is a lot of index data. I'm betting that at the point when that screenshot was taken, all the index data had been deleted, possibly in preparation for rebuilding the indexes.


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