No, this is not a bug but a consequence of the design. ExactStats can help,
but there is no guarantee that different replicas will compute the exact same
score. Scores should be very close however.

You haven't explained why you need the scores to match. 99% of the time,
worrying about scores at this level is misguided. So I'd really try to
figure out
whether they're necessary or not.


On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 1:51 AM Ashish Bisht <> wrote:
> Hi Erick,
> To test this scenario I added replica again and from few days have been
> monitoring metrics like Num Docs, Max Doc, Deleted Docs from *Overview*
> section of core.Checked *Segments Info* section too.Everything looks in
> sync.
> http://<mach-1>:8983/solr/#/MyTestCollection_*shard1_replica_n7*/
> http://<mach-2>:8983/solr/#/MyTestCollection_*4_shard1_replica_n7*/
> If in future they go out of sync,just wanted to confirm if this is a bug
> although you mentioned as
> *bq. Shouldn't both replica and leader come to same state
> after this much long period.
> No. After that long, the docs will be the same, all the docs
> present on one replica will be present and searchable on
> the other. However, they will be in different segments so the
> "stats skew" will remain. *
> We need these score,so as a temporary solution if we monitor these metrics
> for any issues and take action (either optimize or delete-add replica)
> accordingly.Does it make sense?
> --
> Sent from:

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