My presentation from 2016 may be interesting as I deconstruct a Solr
example, including the tips/commands on how to do so:

The commands start around the slide 20.

Hope this helps,
P.s. If this (and other's ideas) is not enough, make sure to mention
the Solr version when you come back for additional questions. It may
help to know which files to recommend checking for additional hints.

On Thu, 2 May 2019 at 23:21, Doug Reeder <> wrote:
> The documentation for SOLR is good.  However it is oriented toward setting
> up a new installation, with the data model known.
> I have inherited an existing installation.  Aspects of the data model I
> know, but there's a lot of ways things could have been configured in SOLR,
> and for some cases, I don't know what SOLR was supposed to do.
> Can you reccomend any documentation on working out the configuration of an
> existing installation?

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