On 8/8/2019 3:17 PM, Moyer, Brett wrote:
In our data/solr/<shard_replica>/data/index on the filesystem, we have files 
that go back 1 year. I don’t understand why and I doubt they are in use. Files with 
extensions like fdx,cfe,doc,pos,tip,dvm etc. Some of these are very large and running 
us out of server space. Our search indexes themselves are not large, in total we 
might have 50k documents.  How can I reduce this /data/solr space? Is this what the 
Solr Optimize command is for? Thanks!

+1 to everything Erick said.

Another piece of information that could be helpful is a screenshot of the core overview in the admin UI. It would look something like this:


To get that, just go to the admin UI and choose one of the big cores from the core dropdown. That should put you on the overview tab for the core. Then grab a screenshot and use a file sharing site to share it.


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