: > Full ack. What do you think about the only solr related thing "left", the
: > paramter filtering/blocking (eg. rows<1000). Is this suitable to do it in a
: > Filter delivered by solr? Of course as an optional alternative.

: As eric mentioned earlier, this could be done in a QueryComponent -- the
: prepare part could just make sure the query parameters are all within
: reasonable ranges.  This seems like something reasonable to add to solr.

i don't even see it requiring a new component -- the existing 
QueryComponent could treat this similar to the way the DismaxQParser deals 
with q and q.alt ... add two new params: start.max and rows.max that 
default to some very large values; QueryComponent respects start & rows 
only as long as they don't exceed the corrisponding max; peoples that want 
ot lock down their ports can make them invariants for the handlers that 
are exposed.


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