One thing to keep in mind is that things like joins are impossible in solr, but easy in a database. So if you ever need to do stuff like run reports, you're probably better off with a database to query on - unless you cover your bases very well in the solr index.

Thanks for your time!

Matthew Runo
Software Engineer, - 702-943-7833

On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:37 PM, Ian Connor wrote:

Hi All,

Is anyone using Solr (and thus the lucene index) as there database store.

Up to now, we have been using a database to build Solr from. However, given that lucene already keeps the stored data intact, and that rebuilding from solr to solr can be very fast, the need for the separate database does not
seem so necessary.

It seems totally possible to maintain just the solr shards and treat them as the database (backups, redundancy, etc are already built right in). The idea that we would need to rebuild from scratch seems unlikely and the speed boost by using solr shards for data massaging and reindexing seems very

Has anyone else thought about this or done this and ran into problems that caused them to go back to a seperate database model? Is there a critical
need you can think is missing?


Ian Connor

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