I also work with the FAST Enterprise Search engine and this is exactly how their Security Access Module works. They actually use a modified base-32 encoded value for indexing, but that is because they don't have the luxury of untokenized/un-processed String fields like Solr.


Matt Weber
eSr Technologies

On May 12, 2009, at 12:26 PM, Terence Gannon wrote:

Paul -- thanks for the reply, I appreciate it. That's a very practical approach, and is worth taking a closer look at. Actually, taking your idea one step further, perhaps three fields; 1) ownerUid (uid of the document's owner) 2) grantedUid (uid of users who have been granted access), and 3) deniedUid (uid of users specifically denied access to the document). These fields, coupled with some business rules around how they were populated
should cover off all possibilities I think.

Access to the Solr instance would have to be tightly controlled, but that's something that should be done anyway. You sure wouldn't want end users preparing their own XML and throwing it at Solr -- it would be pretty easy to figure out how to get around the access/denied fields and get at stuff
the owner didn't intend.

This approach mimics to some degree what is being done in the operating system, but it's still elegant and provides the level of control required. Anybody else have any thoughts in this regard? Has anybody implemented anything similar, and if so, how did it work? Thanks, and best regards...


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