Terence Gannon schrieb:
Paul -- thanks for the reply, I appreciate it.  That's a very
practical approach, and is worth taking a closer look at.  Actually,
taking your idea one step further, perhaps three fields; 1) ownerUid
(uid of the document's owner) 2) grantedUid (uid of users who have
been granted access), and 3) deniedUid (uid of users specifically
denied access to the document).

Grants might change quite a bit, the owner will likely remain the same.

Wouldn't it be better to include only the owner in the document and
store grants someplace else, like in an RDBMS or - if you don't want
one - a lightweight embedded database like BDB?

That way you could have your application tag an ineluctable filter query
onto each and every user query, which would ensure to include only those
documents in the results the owner of which has granted the user access.

Considering that I'm a Solr/Lucene newbie, this approach might have a
disadvantage that escapes me, which is why other people haven't made
this particular suggestion. If so, I'd be happy to learn why this isn't

Michael Ludwig

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