It's probably not the size of the query cache, but the size of the
FieldCache entries that are used for sorting and function queries
(that's the only thing that should be allocating huge arrays like

What fields do you sort on or use function queries on?  There may be a
way to decrease the memory consumption.


On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 1:02 AM, Francis Yakin <> wrote:
> During auto-warming of solr search on QueryResultKey, Our Production 
> solrslaves errors throw OutOfMemory error and application need to be bounced.
> Here is the error logs:
> SEVERE: Error during auto-warming of 
>  allocLargeObject
> OrArray - Object size: 25291544, Num elements: 6322881
> SEVERE: Error during auto-warming of 
>  allocLargeObject
> OrArray - Object size: 579368, Num elements: 144837
> SEVERE: Error during auto-warming of 
>  allocLargeObject
> OrArray - Object size: 4280976, Num elements: 1070240
> I read some suggestions from google that increasing the size of 
> queryResultCache in the solrconfig.xml file will help, here is the suggestion:
> This is not directly related to the jvm heap size. During slave replication 
> the current Searcher is used as the source of auto-warming. When a new 
> searcher is opened, its caches may be prepopulated or "autowarmed" using data 
> from caches in the old searcher. It sounds like caching configuration problem 
> to me as is evident from the error message "Error during auto-warming of 
> key". I suggest increasing the size of the query cache on one of the slave 
> servers and monitor it over next week or so and then incrementally roll this 
> change to rest of the slave boxes. This is the change that you need to make 
> in solrconfig.xml
> Right now this what I have:
>      <queryResultCache
>      class="solr.LRUCache"
>      size="512"
>      initialSize="512"
>      autowarmCount="256"/>
> Should I increase "size" to 1024 will help?
> Any input?
> Thanks
> Francis

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