On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 11:49 PM, Shalin Shekhar Mangar <
shalinman...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >  I am curious how an approach that simply uses the wildcard query
> > functionality on an indexed field would work.
> It works fine as long as the terms are not repeated across documents.
 I do not follow why terms repeating across documents would be an issue. As
long as you can differentiate between multiple matches and rank them
properly it should work right?

> > While Solr does not support
> > wildcard queries out of the box currently, it will definitely be included
> > in
> > the future and I believe the edismax parser already lets you do that.
> Solr supports prefix queries and there's a reverse wild card filter in
> trunk
> too.

Are you referring to facet prefix queries as prefix queries? I looked at
reversed wild card filter but think that the regular wild card matching as
opposed to leading wild card matching is better suited for an
auto-completion feature.

> We do auto-complete through prefix searches on shingles.

Just to confirm, do you mean using EdgeNgram filter to produce letter ngrams
of the tokens in the chosen field?

Assuming the regular wild card query would also work, any thoughts on how it
compares to the EdgeNGram approach in terms of added indexing cost,
performance, etc.?

Thanks a lot for your valuable inputs/comments.


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