On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 3:07 AM, Prasanna R <plistma...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  I looked into the Solr/Lucene classes and found the required information.
> Am summarizing the same for the benefit of those that might refer to this
> thread in the future.
>  The change I had to make was very simple - make a call to getPrefixQuery
> instead of getWildcardQuery in my custom-modified Solr dismax query parser
> class. However, this will make a fairly significant difference in terms of
> efficiency. The key difference between the lucene WildcardQuery and
> PrefixQuery lies in their respective term enumerators, specifically in the
> term comparators. The termCompare method for PrefixQuery is more
> light-weight than that of WildcardQuery and is essentially an optimization
> given that a prefix query is nothing but a specialized case of Wildcard
> query. Also, this is why the lucene query parser automatically creates a
> PrefixQuery for query terms of the form 'foo*' instead of a WildcardQuery.
I don't understand this. There is nothing that one should need to do in
Solr's code to make this work. Prefix queries are supported out of the box
in Solr.

> And one final request for Comment to Shalin on this topic - I am guessing
> you ensured there were no duplicate terms in the field(s) used for
> autocompletion. For our first version, I am thinking of eliminating the
> duplicates outside of the results handler that gives suggestions since
> duplicate suggestions originate only from different document IDs in our
> system and we do want the list of document IDs matched. Is there a
> better/different way of doing the same?
No, I guess not.

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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