Thank you Chris. I'm clear now. I'll give Luke's latest version a try
when it's out.

On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 9:47 AM, Chris Hostetter
<> wrote:
> : I see. It's still a little confusing to me but I'm fine as long as
> : this is the expected behavior. I also tried the "example" index
> : with data that come with the solr distribution and observe the
> : same behavior - only String fields are displayed. So Lucene is
> : sharing _some_ types with Solr but not all. It's still a bit puzzling
> : to me that Lucene is not able to understand the simple types
> : such as long. But I'm OK as long as there is a reason. Thanks
> : for the explanations!
> The key is that there are *no* types in Lucene ... older
> versions of Lucene only supported "Strin" and clinets that wanted to index
> other types had to encode those types in some way as needed.  More
> recently lucene has started moving away from even dealing with Strings,
> and towards just indexing/searching raw byte[] ... all concepts of "field
> types" in Solr are specific to Solr
> (the caveat being that Lucene has, over the years, added utilities to help
> people make smart choices about how to encode some data types -- and in
> the case of the Trie numeric fields SOlr uses those utilites.  But that
> data isn't stored anywhere in the index files themselves, so Luke has no
> way of knowing that it should attempt to "decode" the binary data of a
> field using the Trie utilities.  That said: aparently Andrzej is working
> on making it possible to tell Luke "oh BTW, i indexed this field using
> this solr fieldType" ... i think he said it was on the Luke trunk)
> -Hoss

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