The id field has type "long" in schema.xml. In Luke, they are shown
as "hex dump". When viewing a doc (returned by *:*), I pick the ID field
and press the "Show" button, Luke pops up a dialog that allows me
to change the "Show Content As" value. When I choose "Number",
I get an error message:

"Some values could not be properly represented in this format. They
are marked in grey and presented as a hex dump."

So it seems like Luke does not understand Solr's long type. This
is not a native Lucene type?

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 9:52 AM, Chris Hostetter
<> wrote:
> : 1. Queries like "id:123" which work fine in /solr/admin web interface but
> : returns nothing in Luke. Query "*:*" returns all records fine in Luke. I
> : expect Luke returns the same result as /solr/admin since it's essentially
> : a Lucene query?
> you haven't told us what fieldtype you are using for the "id" field -- but
> i'm going to go out on a limb and guess it's TrieIntFieldType (or possibly
> a SortedIntFieldType) ... those field types encode their values  in such a
> way that they sort lexigraphicaly and produce faster range queries -- if
> Luke doesn't kow about that special encoding, it can search on them (or
> even display the terms properly)
> Luke has a "view terms" feature right? ... look at the raw terms in your
> "id" ifeld and i bet you'll see they look nothing like numbers -- and
> that's why you can search on them as numbers in Luke
> (when you serach on them in Solr, SOlr knows about your schema, and knows
> about your field types, and can do the proper encoding/decoding)
> -Hoss

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