Definitely interested in this. 

The naive obvious approach would be just putting all the ID's in the query. 
Like fq=(id:1 OR id:2 OR....).  Or making it another clause in the 'q'.  

Can you outline what's wrong with this approach, to make it more clear what's 
needed in a solution?
From: Burton-West, Tom []
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 11:49 AM
Subject: filter query from external list of Solr unique IDs

At the Lucene Revolution conference I asked about efficiently building a filter 
query from an external list of Solr unique ids.

Some use cases I can think of are:
1)      personal sub-collections (in our case a user can create a small subset 
of our 6.5 million doc collection and then run filter queries against it)
2)      tagging documents
3)      access control lists
4)      anything that needs complex relational joins
5)      a sort of alternative to incremental field updating (i.e. update in an 
external database or kv store)
6)      Grant's clustering cluster points and similar apps.

Grant pointed to SOLR 1715, but when I looked on JIRA, there doesn't seem to be 
any work on it yet.

Hoss  mentioned a couple of ideas:
            1) sub-classing query parser
        2) Having the app query a database and somehow passing something to 
Solr or lucene for the filter query

Can Hoss or someone else point me to more detailed information on what might be 
involved in the two ideas listed above?

Is somehow keeping an up-to-date map of unique Solr ids to internal Lucene ids 
needed to implement this or is that a separate issue?

Tom Burton-West

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