Or an alternate simpler solution requiring the client to do more work, but 
getting around the inefficienty and limit on clauses of a whole lot of OR 
clauses: provide a qparser that accepts an "in" query. 

&fq={!in field=id}100,150,201,304,etc.

Could, it seems from Hoss et al's suggestions, be processed much more 
efficiently than id:100 OR id:150 etc., and also without running up against the 
limit on number of clauses. Could still result in very large size of http 
request to solr though, which may or may not be a problem. 

(At first I was thinking about if it's a problem that ALL these solutions 
suggested will take up a spot in the filter cache since you're using fq-- but I 
think that's actually a benefit rather than a problem, in more cases than not 
it will actually be convenient for the result to be in the filter cache, it 
very well may end up being used multiple times). 

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