mike anderson wrote:
I'm really curious if there is a clever solution to the obvious problem
with: "So your better off using a single index and with a user id and use
a query filter with the user id when fetching data.", i.e.. when you have
hundreds of thousands of user IDs tagged on each article. That just doesn't
sound like it scales very well..
Actually, I think that design would scale pretty fine, I don't think there's an 'obvious' problem. You store your userIDs in a multi-valued field (or as multiple terms in a single value, ends up being similar). You fq on there with the current userID. There's one way to find out of course, but that doesn't seem a patently ridiculous scenario or anything, that's the kind of thing Solr is generally good at, it's what it's built for. The problem might actually be in the time it takes to add such a document to the index; but not in query time.

Doesn't mean it's the best solution for your problem though, I can't say.

My impression is that Solr in general isn't really designed to support the kind of multi-tenancy use case people are talking about lately. So trying to make it work anyway... if multi-cores work for you, then great, but be aware they weren't really designed for that (having thousands of cores) and may not. If a single index can work for you instead, great, but as you've discovered it's not neccesarily obvious how to set up the schema to do what you need -- really this applies to Solr in general, unlike an rdbms where you just third-form-normalize everything and figure it'll work for almost any use case that comes up, in Solr you generally need to custom fit the schema for your particular use cases, sometimes being kind of clever to figure out the optimal way to do that.

This is, I'd argue/agree, indeed kind of a disadvantage, setting up a Solr index takes more intellectual work than setting up an rdbms. The trade off is you get speed, and flexible ways to set up relevancy (that still perform well). Took a couple decades for rdbms to get as brainless to use as they are, maybe in a couple more we'll have figured out ways to make indexing engines like solr equally brainless, but not yet -- but it's still pretty damn easy for what it is, the lucene/Solr folks have done a remarkable job.

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