Interesting wordings:
"we want real-time search, we want simple multi-tenancy, and we want a
solution that is built for the cloud"

And later,
" built on top of Lucene."

Is that possible? :)
(what does that mean "real time search" anyway... and what is "cloud"?)

community is growing!

I never used Elastic Search, but I used Compass before moving to SOLR. And
Compass uses wordings like as "real-time *transactional* search". Yes, it's
good and it has own use case (small databases, reduced development time,
junior-level staff, single-JVM environment)

I'd consider requirements at first, then will see which tool simplifies my
task (fulfils most requirements). It could be Elastic, or SOLR, or Compass,
or direct Lucene, or even SQL, SequenceFile, SQL, in-memory TreeSet, and
etc. Also depends on requirements, budget, team&skills.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark 
Sent: May-31-11 10:33 PM
Subject: Solr vs ElasticSearch

I've been hearing more and more about ElasticSearch. Can anyone give me a
rough overview on how these two technologies differ. What are the
strengths/weaknesses of each. Why would one choose one of the other?


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