On 6/1/2011 11:26 AM, Upayavira wrote:

Probably the ReplicationHandler would need a 'one-off' replication

It's got one already, if you mean a command you can issue to a slave to tell it to pull replication right now. The thing is, you can only issue this command if the core is configured as a slave. You can turn off polling though.

You can include a custom masterURL in the one-off pull command, which over-rides whatever masterURL is configured in the core --- but you still need a masterURL configured in the core, or Solr will complain on startup if the core is configured as slave without a masterURL. (And if it's not configured as a slave, you can't issue the one-off pull command).

This is all from my experience on 1.4, don't know if things change in 3.1, probably not.

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