On 6/1/2011 10:52 AM, Jason Rutherglen wrote:
nightmarish to setup. The problem is, it freezes each core into a
respective role, so if I wanted to then 'move' the slave, I can't
because it's still setup as a slave.

Don't know if this helps or not, but you CAN set up a core as both a master and a slave. Normally this is to make it a "repeater", still always taking from the same upstream and sending downstream. But there might be a way to hack it for your needs without actually changing Java code, a core _can_ be both a master and slave simultaneously, and there might be a way to change it's masterURL (where it pulls from when acting as a slave) without restarting the core too. You can supply a 'custom' (not configured) masterURL in a manual 'pull' command (over HTTP), but of course usually slaves poll rather than be directed by manual 'pull' commands.

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