Hi Ahmet,

>>> I don't use it myself  (but I will soon), so I
>>> may be wrong, but did you try
>>> to use the ComplexPhraseQueryParser :
>>> ComplexPhraseQueryParser
>>>           QueryParser which
>>> permits complex phrase query syntax eg "(john
>>> jon jonathan~) peters*".
>>> It seems that you could do such type of queries :
>>> GOK:"IA 38*"
>> yes that sounds interesting.
>> But I don't know how to get and install it into solr. Cam
>> you give me a hint?
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-1604

I tried to follow this recipe, adapting it to the solr 3.2 I am testing right 
The first try gave me a message

     [java] !!!!!!! Couldn't get license file for 
     [java] At least one file does not have a license, or it's license name is 
not in the proper format.  See the logs.


so I created a fake license
for ComplexPhrase and tried again, which ran through successfully, I hope this 
is OK.

I registered queryparser not to solrhome/conf/solrconfig.xml (no such thing, 
I'm running multiple cores) but to
and could search successfully for
{!complexphrase}GOK:"IC 62*"

> But it seems that you can achieve what you want with vanilla solr.
> I don't follow the multivalued part in your example but you can tokenize 
> "IA 300; IC 330; IA 317; IA 318" into these 4 tokens 
> IA 300
> IC 330
> IA 314
> IA 318

I didn't have to split them up, they are already separated as field with 
But I need to be able to search for IA 310 - IA 319 with one call,
{!complexphrase}GOK:"IA 31?"
will do this now, or even for 
{!complexphrase}GOK:"IA 3*"
to catch all those in one go.

Thanks, this helped a lot

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