Hi Ahmet,

>> so I created a fake license
>> ComplexPhrase-LICENSE-MIT.txt
>> for ComplexPhrase and tried again, which ran through
>> successfully, I hope this is OK.
> I didn't used it with solr 3.2. I will check about it. 
> So your GOK field already contains the list as multivalued. Then you can use 
> prefix query parser plugin for this. Just make sure that field type of GOK is 
> string not text.  
> q={!prefix f=GOK}IA 3   should be equivalent to  {!complexphrase}GOK:"IA 3*"

I'll try that. But my search requests come from a pazpar2 system and are 
directed against different clients, which all get requests of the form 
GOK:"IA 32*", so in some sense this is better for me.

I found two problems:

– In the solr 1.4.2 version I'm testing the request "IA 32*" works, but GOK:"IA 
32*" will not. Is this somehow related to the indexing of that field?

– The other is that "IA320" (on 1.4.2) and GOK:"IA320" (on 3.2) will throw an 
The server encountered an internal error
(Unknown query type "org.apache.lucene.search.PhraseQuery" found in phrase 
query string "IA620" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown query type 
"org.apache.lucene.search.PhraseQuery" found in phrase query string "IA620" at 


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