> I tried to follow this recipe, adapting it to the solr 3.2
> I am testing right now.
> The first try gave me a message
>      [java] !!!!!!! Couldn't get
> license file for
> /Installer/solr/apache-solr-3.2.0/solr/lib/ComplexPhrase-1.0.jar
>      [java] At least one file does not
> have a license, or it's license name is not in the proper
> format.  See the logs.
> so I created a fake license
> ComplexPhrase-LICENSE-MIT.txt
> for ComplexPhrase and tried again, which ran through
> successfully, I hope this is OK.

I didn't used it with solr 3.2. I will check about it. 

> > IA 300
> > IC 330
> > IA 314
> > IA 318
> I didn't have to split them up, they are already separated
> as field with multiValued="true".
> But I need to be able to search for IA 310 - IA 319 with
> one call,
> {!complexphrase}GOK:"IA 31?"
> will do this now, or even for 
> {!complexphrase}GOK:"IA 3*"
> to catch all those in one go.

So your GOK field already contains the list as multivalued. Then you can use 
prefix query parser plugin for this. Just make sure that field type of GOK is 
string not text.  
q={!prefix f=GOK}IA 3   should be equivalent to  {!complexphrase}GOK:"IA 3*"

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