This is convincing me... I'd like to experiment and close.

So, how can I be sure this is the right thing?
I would have thought adding a document and committing would have created a 
Searcher in my current usage but I do not see the reference list actually being 
enlarged on my development machine.

What would create a new one?


Le 6 août 2011 à 20:04, Paul Libbrecht a écrit :

> Le 6 août 2011 à 19:52, Yonik Seeley a écrit :
>>> I've been using the following:
>>>  rb.req.getCore().getSearcher().get().getReader()
>> Bingo!  Code should never do core.getSearcher().get()
>> since core.getSearcher returns a reference that must be decremented
>> when you are done.
>> Using req.getSearcher() is much easier since it ensures that the
>> searcher never changes during the scope of a single request
>> and it handles decrementing the reference when the request is closed.
> When you say "decrementing" you do also mean dereference?
> (seems to be from the RefCounted class which would dereference when ref-count 
> is zero)
> I also see the javadoc of SolrCore.getSearcher() is quite explicit there.
> I would suggest to add a display of the closed-ness-status of the reader in 
> the stats.jsp.
> Most likely all these searchers have a closed reader and one would see the 
> bug.
> paul

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