
I'm working off the trunk and the following wiki link:

The wiki link has a section that seeks to quickly familiarize a user
with replication in SolrCloud - "Example B: Simple two shard cluster
with shard replicas"

But after going through it, I have to wonder if this is truly
replication? Because if it is truly replication then somewhere along
the line, the following properties must have been set
replicateAfter, confFiles, masterUrl, pollInterval
Can someone tell me: Where exactly in the code is this happening?

I've been looking through some older threads where I see stuff like:
[Jan Høydahl]: Question: Is ReplicationHandler ZK-aware yet?
[Mark Miller]: As I think you now know, not yet ;)

Not sure if the comments above really fit-in with my question but it
certainly isn't encouraging.

SolrCloud does an excellent job of super-simplifying the sharding
process, so I'm hoping that can anyone tell me what needs to happen to
make it do the same for replication? I'm willing to get my hands dirty
and contribute to the trunk if someone can provide high-level
mentoring/guidance around the already existing SolrCloud code.

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