> I read the document of "Facet.sort=count" which seems to
> return the facets
> order by the doc hit counts.
> So, suppose one doc has title "value1 value2 value3", and
> another doc has
> title "value2 value 4 value 5", and use WhitespaceTokenizer
> (no matter
> designed in single field or multi-value field), do we get
> the facet results
> as:
> "value2" - 2 docs
> "value1" - 1 doc
> "value3" - 1 doc
> "value4" - 1 doc
> "value5" - 1 doc
> is it a way to get top words? does it cause high
> performance cost?

Consider using http://wiki.apache.org/solr/LukeRequestHandler for top term. 
Faceting is more meant to 'drill down' in the search result set.

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