(12/02/14 22:25), O. Klein wrote:
I have not been able to find any logic in the behavior of hl.q and how it
analyses the query. Could you explain how it is supposed to work?

Nothing special on hl.q. If you use hl.q, the value of it will be used for
highlighting rather than the value of q. There's no tricks, I think.

> When using hl.q=content_hl:(spell Check) I now get highlighting including
> stopwords.
> but when using hl.q=content_hl:(SC) where SC is synonym I get no
> highlighting.
> Can you verify if synonyms work when using hl.q?


> OK I got it working by using hl.q=content_hl:(spell Check)
> content_text:(spell Check) but it makes no sense to me.
> only difference between the 2 fields is the use of Stopwords.

Uh, what you tried was that you changed the field between q and hl.q,
that I've not expected use case when I proposed hl.q.

Do you think that hl.text meats your needs?


Apache Solr Query Log Visualizer

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