The machine has a total ram of around 46GB. My Biggest concern is Solr index 
time gradually increasing and then the commit stops because of timeouts, out 
commit rate is very high, but I am not able to find the root cause of the issue.

Mobile: +91-9901768202
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-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Heisey [] 
Sent: 13 April 2012 05:15
Subject: Re: solr 3.5 taking long to index

On 4/12/2012 12:42 PM, Rohit wrote:
> Thanks for pointing these out, but I still have one concern, why is 
> the Virtual Memory running in 300g+?

Solr 3.5 uses MMapDirectoryFactory by default to read the index.  This does an 
mmap on the files that make up your index, so their entire contents are simply 
accessible to the application as virtual memory (over 300GB in your case), the 
OS automatically takes care of swapping disk pages in and out of real RAM as 
required.  This approach has less overhead and tends to make better use of the 
OS disk cache than other methods.  It does lead to confused questions and scary 
numbers in memory usage reporting, though.

You have mentioned that you are giving 36GB of RAM to Solr.  How much total RAM 
does the machine have?


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