Hey Shawn,

Solr is working better, though not out of the woods, freed up some memory is 
the system and also increased the mergeFactor to 20.

Has another question, we had autocommit ON all this while in our 
solrconfig.xml, but since the upgrade we have been noticing keeping autocommit 
on is increasing the commit time, though I cannot find a reason are they 
related in anyway?

Mobile: +91-9901768202
About Me: http://about.me/rohitg

-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Heisey [mailto:s...@elyograg.org] 
Sent: 13 April 2012 11:01
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: solr 3.5 taking long to index

On 4/12/2012 8:42 PM, Rohit wrote:
> The machine has a total ram of around 46GB. My Biggest concern is Solr index 
> time gradually increasing and then the commit stops because of timeouts, out 
> commit rate is very high, but I am not able to find the root cause of the 
> issue.

For good performance, Solr relies on the OS having enough free RAM to keep 
critical portions of the index in the disk cache.  Some numbers that I have 
collected from your information so far are listed below.  
Please let me know if I've got any of this wrong:

46GB total RAM
36GB RAM allocated to Solr
300GB total index size

This leaves only 10GB of RAM free to cache 300GB of index, assuming that this 
server is dedicated to Solr.  The critical portions of your index are very 
likely considerably larger than 10GB, which causes constant reading from the 
disk for queries and updates.  With a high commit rate and a relatively low 
mergeFactor of 10, your index will be doing a lot of merging during updates, 
and some of those merges are likely to be quite large, further complicating the 
I/O situation.

Another thing that can lead to increasing index update times is cache warming, 
also greatly affected by high I/O levels.  If you visit the 
/solr/corename/admin/stats.jsp#cache URL, you can see the warmupTime for each 
cache in milliseconds.

Adding more memory to the server would probably help things.  You'll want to 
carefully check all the server and Solr statistics you can to make sure that 
memory is the root of problem, before you actually spend the money.  At the 
server level, look for things like a high iowait CPU percentage.  For Solr, you 
can turn the logging level up to INFO in the admin interface as well as turn on 
the infostream in solrconfig.xml for extensive debugging.

I hope this is helpful.  If not, I can try to come up with more specific things 
you can look at.


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