But I have more than 80 000 000 documents with many fields with this kind of description?!


I must create for each document 4 documents ??

Le 10/05/2012 14:41, G.Long a écrit :
When you add data into Solr, you add documents which contain fields.
In your case, you should create a document for each of your inventors with every attribute they could have.

Here is an example in Java:

SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
doc.addField("inventor", "Rossi");
doc.addField("country", "FR");
And then you do the same for all your inventors.

This way, each doc in your index represents one inventor and you can query them like:
q=inventor:rossi AND country:FR

Le 10/05/2012 14:33, Bruno Mannina a écrit :
like that:

<field name="inventor-country">CH</field>
<field name="inventor-country">FR</field>

but in this case Ioose the link between inventor and its country?

if I search an inventor named ROSSI with CH:
q=inventor:rossi and inventor-country=CH

the I will get this result but it's not correct because Rossi is FR.

Le 10/05/2012 14:28, G.Long a écrit :
Hi :)

You could just add a field called country and then add the information to your document.

Gary L.

Le 10/05/2012 14:25, Bruno Mannina a écrit :

I can't find how can I define in my schema.xml a field with this format?

My original format is:


<name>WEBER WALTER</name>

<name>ROSSI PASCAL</name>


I convert it to:
<field name="inventor">WEBER WALTER</field>
<field name="inventor">ROSSI PASCAL</field>

but how can I add Country code to the field without losing the link between inventor?
Can I use an attribut ?

Any idea are welcome :)

Bruno Mannina

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