On 12/3/2012 1:44 PM, Erol Akarsu wrote:
I tried  as search query  not "baş" but "features:baş" in field "q" in SOLR
GUI. And, I got result!

In the one document, I had some fields type of text_eng, text_general and
one field features type of text_tr. If I don't specify field name, SOLR use
EnglishAnalyzer. If I do, it uses the analyzer specific to field specified
in search query string.

Your config is set up to search against a field named "text" by default - either by a setting in schema.xml or a "df" parameter in your search handler definition in solrconfig.xml. If you are using (e)dismax, it might be qf/pf parameters instead of df.

The field named text is not properly set up for this search. Your attachment at the beginning of this thread indicates that either you do not have a text field for this document at all, or that field is not stored. If the text field is a copyField as Jack has mentioned, note that it doesn't matter what analysis you are doing on features -- the copy is done before analysis, so it is completely separate.


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