Thanks Shawn and Jack,

I changed solrconfig to set defaul query field (qf) to field content. It
works fine now.

Erol Akarsu

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 5:03 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 12/3/2012 1:44 PM, Erol Akarsu wrote:
>> I tried  as search query  not "baş" but "features:baş" in field "q" in
>> GUI. And, I got result!
>> In the one document, I had some fields type of text_eng, text_general and
>> one field features type of text_tr. If I don't specify field name, SOLR
>> use
>> EnglishAnalyzer. If I do, it uses the analyzer specific to field specified
>> in search query string.
> Your config is set up to search against a field named "text" by default -
> either by a setting in schema.xml or a "df" parameter in your search
> handler definition in solrconfig.xml.  If you are using (e)dismax, it might
> be qf/pf parameters instead of df.
> The field named text is not properly set up for this search.  Your
> attachment at the beginning of this thread indicates that either you do not
> have a text field for this document at all, or that field is not stored.
>  If the text field is a copyField as Jack has mentioned, note that it
> doesn't matter what analysis you are doing on features -- the copy is done
> before analysis, so it is completely separate.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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