On Jan 3, 2013, at 9:17 AM, Darren Govoni <dar...@ontrenet.com> wrote:

>  Even a non-replicated core is called a replica?

To some :) Forcing agreement on terminology has been … challenging…

And even if there is some agreement, new people come, old people that were not 
around for the agreement come back, etc.

Usually you have to figure it out by context.

I started trying to put a stake in the ground on the wiki - but it's still 
solidifying and does not include everything yet - eg I don't think it makes a 
call about replica being just copies or also the leader. There was some 
discussion about this very thing recently.

Because all cores in a slice / logical shard are pretty much equal (anyone can 
become a leader), it doesn't seem crazy to consider them all replicas. If a 
leader goes down briefly and comes back - perhaps it just lost its connection 
for a moment - it will come back and no longer be a leader. Did it change from 
a non replica to a replica then? Gosh I don't know. Stick a fork in my eye :)

- Mark

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