On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 9:17 AM, Darren Govoni <dar...@ontrenet.com> wrote:
> I think what's confusing about your explanation below is when you have a
> situation where there is no replication factor. That's possible too, yes?
> So in that case, is each core of a shard of a collection, still referred to
> as a replica?
> To me a replica is a duplicate/backup of a shard's core. Not the sharded
> core itself. Or is there just no difference. Even a non-replicated core is
> called a replica?

Think of it in terms of documents and not indexes.  We're normally not
making copies of the index, we are putting documents in multiple
Hence: replicationFactor=2 means that each document will exist in 2
places in the cluster (on two replicas of a logical shard).

Also look at the clusterstate.json from the admin... all replicas are
equal with one having a "leader bit", but it's a a transitory thing.
It makes sense to ask "what replica is the leader now"?


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