Hi Uwe,

We have hundreds of dynamic fields but since most of our docs only use some of 
them it doesn't seem to be a performance drag.  They can be viewed as a sparse 
matrix of fields in your indexed docs.  Then if you make the 
sortinfo_for_groupx an int then that could be used in a function query to 
perform your sorting.  See  http://wiki.apache.org/solr/FunctionQuery


-----Original Message-----
From: Uwe Reh [mailto:r...@hebis.uni-frankfurt.de] 
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:10 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: theory of sets


I'm looking for a tricky solution of a common problem. I have to handle a lot 
of items and each could be member of several groups.
- "OK, just add a field called 'member_of'"

No that's not enough, because each group is sorted and each member has a 
sortstring for this group.
- "OK, still easy add a dynamic field 'sortinfo_for_*' and fill this for each 
group membership."

Yes, this works, but there are thousands of different groups, that much dynamic 
fields are probably a serious performance issue.
- "Well ..."

I'm looking for a smart way to answer to the question "Find the members of 
group X and sort them by the the sortstring for this group".

One idea I had was to fill the 'member_of' field with composed entrys 
(groupname + "_" + sortstring). Finding the members is easy with wildcards but 
there seems to be no way to use the sortstring as a boostfactor

Has anybody solved this problem?
Any hints are welcome.


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