Hi to everyone,


I want to deploy a custom filter developed in java to Solr4, my problem is
that it requires to access Sql Server, so it depends from sqljdbc4.jar, but
I got a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:


I've copied the sqljdbc.jar file in the c:\tomcat\lib directory but it does
not work. So I've modified solrconfig.xml to load sqljdbc4.jar and now it
works, but I think that is a bettere solution to configure in some base
Tomcat directory instead in solrcfg.xml file of all cores. My question is,
where I can configure Tomcat to make sqljdbc4.jar available to every
customization filter in solar without referencing it directly in


I'm a .NET developer, so I'm not really familiar with TomCat and Java, and
surely I'm missing some configuration to modify.


Thanks to everyone.


Gian Maria


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