On 3/20/2013 1:28 PM, Li, Qiang wrote:
I just want to share the solrconfig.xml and schema.xml. As there should be 
differences between collections for other files, such as the DIH's 

I believe that SolrCloud treats each config set as a completely separate entity, with no ability to share files. Unless you're dealing with a very large number of different config combinations, dealing with multiple config sets should not be too bad. Also, it is possible to provide any part of the config for DIH as parameters on the URL that starts the import, so it might be possible to come up with one dataimport config that will work for multiple collections.

It would probably be possible to share certain files between config sets by patching Solr's source code, but I doubt that it would be easy to implement, and a major change like that would require extensive testing before it would be allowed in a released version.


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