On 7/1/2013 1:07 PM, Neal Ensor wrote:
is it conceivable that there's too much traffic, causing Solr to stall
re-opening the searcher (thus releasing to the new index)?  I'm grasping at
straws, and this is beginning to bug me a lot.  The traffic logs wouldn't
seem to support this (apart from periodic health-check pings, the load is
distributed fairly evenly across 3 slaves by a load-balancer tool).  After
35+ minutes this morning, none of the three successfully "unstuck", and had
to be manually core-reloaded.

Is there perhaps a configuration element I'm overlooking that might make
solr a bit less "friendly" about it, and just dump the searchers/reopen
when replication completes?

Can you share your solrconfig.xml file, someplace like http://apaste.info? Please be sure to choose the correct file type ... on that website it is (X)HTML for an XML file.

As a side note, I'm getting really frustrated with trying to get log4j
logging on 4.3.1 set up; my tomcat container persists in complaining that
it cannot find log4j.properties, when I've put it in the WEB-INF/classes of
the war file, have SLF4j libraries AND log4j at the shared container "lib"
level, and log4j.debug turned on.  I can't find any excuses why it cannot
seem to locate the configuration.

The wiki is still down for maintenance, so below is a relevant section of the SolrLogging wiki page extracted from Google Cache. When it comes back up, you can find it at this URL:


The example logging setup takes over the configuration of Solr logging, which prevents the container from controlling where logs go. Users of containers other than the included Jetty (Tomcat in particular) may be accustomed to doing the logging configuration in the container. If you want to switch back to java.util.logging so this is once again possible, here's what to do. These steps apply to the example/lib/ext directory in the Solr example, or to your container's lib directory as mentioned in the previous section. These steps also assume that the slf4j version is 1.6.6, which comes with Solr4.3. Newer versions may use a different slf4j version. As of May 2013, you can use a newer SLF4J version with no trouble, but be aware that all slf4j components in your classpath must be the same version.

Download slf4j version 1.6.6 (the version used in Solr4.3.x). http://www.slf4j.org/dist/slf4j-1.6.6.zip
    Unpack the slf4j archive.
Delete these JARs from your lib folder: slf4j-log4j12-1.6.6.jar, jul-to-slf4j-1.6.6.jar, log4j-1.2.16.jar Add these JARs to your lib folder (from slf4j zip): slf4j-jdk14-1.6.6.jar, log4j-over-slf4j-1.6.6.jar
    Use your old logging.properties


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